خانه / جشنواره / People sitting and independent Libya

People sitting and independent Libya

People selection united Libya
People selection united Libya

Islamic Republic of Libya

No: 110/121/99

UN Secretary-General

Greetings and Regards

The people of Libya have left the union to protest the racist actions of the government and demand independence.

We also call on the Security Council to stop the rape of the Federal Police or its security forces and to stop the killing of our people.

Given that the police force has recently been formed by returnee ISIS, there is a lot of panic among our people, so we demand that a number of Qods Force forces be stationed on the border of our country as peacekeepers.


People sitting and independent Libya  

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پایگاه خبری تحلیلی بین المللی ماهین نیوز صاحب امتیاز و ومدیر مسئول : سید احمد حسینی ماهینی شماره مجوز 92/23363 وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی تلفن 02136878594همراه09120836492 و 09190883546 احمد ماهینی کاندیدای ریاست جمهوری امریکا

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